Quin es Isa al Masih? -- el hombre vestido de blanco
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De qu manera han verificado los descubrimientos arqueolgicos la veracidad de la Biblia?

ms informacion

» De qu manera han verificado los descubrimientos arqueolgicos la veracidad de la Biblia? (offsite)

» Is there any confirmation of Biblical events from written sources outside the Bible? (offsite)

» Have the burial sites of any people in the Bible been found? (offsite)

» Have any likenesses been found of persons named in the Bible? (offsite)

» Se ha mencionado alguna estructura hecha por el hombre en la Biblia que haya sido desenterrada por los arquelogos? (offsite)

» Is there archaeological evidence of the Tower of Babel? (offsite)

» Does modern archaeology support the Qur'an? (en ingls)

Egyptian figure

Dr. Bryant C. Wood, an experienced archaeologist, states:

"In every instance where the findings of archaeology pertain to the biblical record, the archaeological evidence confirms, sometimes in detailed fashion, the historical accuracy of Scripture. In those instances where the archaeological findings seem to be at variance with the Bible, the discrepancy lies with the archaeological evidence, i.e., improper interpretation, lack of evidence, etc. -- not with the Bible."

Examine the archaeological evidence, and you will find that the Bible can truly be trusted. (follow the links)

Ossuary of Caiaphas the High Priest of the Jews.

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