
See this page in: Portuguese
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Copy-and-paste the following coding:
<a href="http://IsaalMasih.net"><img src="http://IsaalMasih.net/btn-prayerrug.jpg" width="180" height="88" border="0" alt="For Muslims who seek... IsaalMasih.net"></a>
Site Description:
Muslims are seeking the truth by the thousands. Visit www.IsaalMasih.net and learn about Hazrat Isa, dreams and visions of the "Man in White", the holy message of the Al-Kitab, and more...

Copy-and-paste the following coding:
<a href="http://IsaalMasih.net"><img src="http://IsaalMasih.net/btn-isaweb-nb.gif" width="150" height="79" border="0" alt="Truth for Muslims -- www.IsaalMasih.net"></a>
Site Description:
Muslims want the truth, and IsaalMasih.net provides it in a way they best understand it. Various teachers who love Muslims team together to give the answers to the questions Muslims ask. Learn about Isa al Masih (Jesus), the Holy Scriptures, proofs from archaeology, creation, and more...

Copy-and-paste the following coding:
<a href="http://IsaalMasih.net"><img src="http://IsaalMasih.net/btn-isaweb-4m.gif" width="125" height="50" border="0" alt="IsaalMasih.net: a place for Muslims"></a>
Site Description:
Followers of Hazrat Isa provide a place for Muslims where ultimate questions about Isa al Masih, the Bible, Christianity, and more are approached in a way Muslims can best understand. www.IsaalMasih.net.

Copy-and-paste the following coding:
<a href="http://IsaalMasih.net"><img src="http://IsaalMasih.net/btn-isaweb-ms.gif" width="125" height="50" border="0" alt="For Muslims who Seek - IsaalMasih.net"></a>
Site Description:
Muslims are seeking the truth by the thousands. Visit www.IsaalMasih.net and learn about Hazrat Isa, dreams and visions of the “Man in White,” the Al-Kitab, and more…

Copy-and-paste the following coding:
<a href="http://IsaalMasih.net"><img src="http://IsaalMasih.net/btn-isaweb.gif" width="125" height="50" border="0" alt="Who is Hazrat Isa? www.IsaalMasih.net"></a>
Site Description:
"The Man in White" is being seen in dreams and visions by thousands of Muslims today. Read and post true stories about how God is working today in the Muslim world to bring them into "full submission" to God through the message Isa al Masih brings... www.IsaalMasih.net

Copy-and-paste the following coding:
<a href="http://IsaalMasih.net"><img src="http://IsaalMasih.net/btn-isaalmasih-webbnr.jpg" width="300" height="61" border="0" alt="Who is Isa al Masih, the man in white? www.IsaalMasih.net"></a>
Site Description:
"The Man in White" is being seen in dreams and visions by thousands of Muslims today. Read and post true stories about how God is working today in the Muslim world to bring them into "full submission" to God through the message Isa al Masih brings... www.IsaalMasih.net

